HTG回顾Waka Waka:一个不开玩笑的移动式太阳能小工具充电器
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Anyone with a power hungry gadget, let alone a bag bursting with them, can tell you how much energy it takes to keep a modern arsenal of gadgets up and running. Read on as we review the Waka Waka, a combination battery pack and solar charger that ensures you’ll have ample and free power wherever you roam.

任何拥有耗电小工具的人,更不用说随身携带一个袋子的人,都可以告诉您保持现代小工具的运转需要多少能量。 在我们回顾Waka Waka时继续阅读,Waka Waka是电池组和太阳能充电器的组合,可确保您无论在何处漫游都将拥有充足的自由电量。

什么是Waka Waka? (What Is The Waka Waka?)

The is a combination battery pack, solar charger, and emergency/task light designed for use both in urban/suburban settings as well as off the grid to provide power solar power for small to mid-size devices as well as a portable source of light.


The device features two large LEDs, a large easy-to-access power button, a folding stand that can also be used to mount the device on water bottle (or similar container) or to hang the unit, and contains a 2200mAh battery (enough juice to fully charge an iPhone or ebook reader once, a smaller device like a camera or MP3 player a few times, or to partially charge a tablet). If the unit is used to power just the lights and not an attached device then a full charge can provide between 10 to 150 hours of light depending on the level of brightness (adjustable between 5 and 70 lumens). The LED light function even includes an SOS signal. The units come in black-on-black and yellow-on-black color schemes.

该设备具有两个大LED指示灯,一个易于使用的大电源按钮,一个可用于将设备安装在水瓶(或类似容器)上或悬挂装置的折叠式支架上,并装有2200mAh电池(足够果汁,一次给iPhone或电子书阅读器充满电,一次给较小的设备(如相机或MP3播放器)充满电,或为平板电脑部分充满电)。 如果仅使用本设备为灯供电,而不是使用所连接的设备供电,则完全充电可以提供10到150个小时的照明时间,具体取决于亮度级别(5到70流明之间可调)。 LED灯功能甚至包括一个SOS信号。 这些装置采用黑底黑和黄底黑配色方案。

Although not a feature accessible to the consumer, the Waka Waka also comes with a pretty great additional purchase benefit. Every time someone purchases a Waka Waka, the company ; to date they’ve donated 81,000 units to help people in 25 countries including Haiti, the Philippines, and Syria. At first glance it might seem like a solar USB charger isn’t exactly the kind of thing a refuge needs but increasingly people around the world rely on mobile phones and there is a constant struggle for safe sources of light. The Waka Waka offers free light to many people who have previously lit their homes with expensive, inefficient, and dangerous kerosene lamps.

尽管消费者无法使用此功能,但Waka Waka还具有相当大的额外购买优势。 每当有人购买Waka Waka时,公司都会 ; 迄今为止,他们已经捐赠了81,000个单位,以帮助包括海地,菲律宾和叙利亚在内的25个国家的人们。 乍一看,太阳能USB充电器似乎并不是避难所所需要的东西,但世界各地越来越多的人依赖手机,并且为安全的光源而不断地奋斗。 Waka Waka为许多以前用昂贵,低效和危险的煤油灯照明过的人提供免费的照明设备。

如何使用? (How Do I Use It?)

The Waka Waka functions like most battery packs with a few additional features built in. Before we look at those features, however, let’s clear up a common misconception people have about the Waka Waka (and similar solar-driven power packs). The Waka Waka does not provide on-the-fly solar conversion to continuously power an attached device. You can’t plug your iPhone into it, point it at the sun, and expect to maintain 100 percent battery life on your iPhone as long as the sun is shining.

Waka Waka的功能与大多数内置了一些附加功能的电池组一样。在我们研究这些功能之前,让我们先清除一下人们对Waka Waka(以及类似的太阳能驱动电源组)的常见误解。 Waka Waka不提供即时的太阳能转换功能来持续为连接的设备供电。 您不能将iPhone插入其中,也不能将其指向太阳,并且只要阳光照耀,就有望保持iPhone的电池寿命为100%。

To use the Waka Waka you need to first charge the device. You can do so the traditional way by tethering it to your computer or cellphone wall charger via micro USB cable. When charging traditionally the unit takes approximately six hours to completely charge. When charging via the solar panel the charging process takes approximately 10 hours.

要使用Waka Waka,您需要先为设备充电。 您可以通过微型USB电缆将其拴接到计算机或手机壁式充电器上,以传统方式进行操作。 传统上,在充电时,本机大约需要六个小时才能完全充电。 通过太阳能电池板充电时,充电过程大约需要10个小时。

Once charged, you simply plug in your device to the USB port located on the side of the device and press the large power button on the body of the Waka Waka. One tap on the button activates the LED indicators on the top of the unit and sends a signal to check if a device is attached.

充电后,您只需将设备插入设备侧面的USB端口,然后按Waka Waka机身上的大电源按钮即可。 轻按一下按钮即可激活设备顶部的LED指示灯,并发送信号以检查设备是否已连接。

The unit includes a fold-out stand that serves several functions. You can stand it up on a flat surface like an easel. You can use the hole in the stand to mount it on a water bottle. You can even hang it by attaching a string to the top of the unit and running it through the hole (so the light shines down).

该装置包括一个可折叠的架子,可提供多种功能。 您可以将其放在像画架一样的平面上。 您可以使用支架上的Kong将其安装在水壶上。 您甚至可以通过在设备的顶部附加一根绳子并将其穿过Kong(这样一来,光线就可以照下来)来挂起来。

To activate the light and cycle through the brightness levels simply press the power button again and tap it until you’ve achieved the desired brightness (or turned the device off). One clever trick we discovered while playing with the device is to attach it to a large water bottle or milk jug and flip the stand so that the light shines down into the container (instead of out away from the bottle-as-stand). This creates a large and diffuse source of light that isn’t as intense as the headlight-like blast the powerful pair of LEDs puts out.

要激活光并在亮度级别之间循环,只需再次按电源按钮,然后点按它,直到获得所需的亮度(或关闭设备)。 我们在使用该设备时发现的一个巧妙技巧是将其连接到一个大的水瓶或牛奶罐上,然后翻转支架,使光线照进容器中(而不是从站立时的瓶子中射出)。 这样就产生了一个大而分散的光源,其强度不如一对强大的LED所发出的前灯般强。

好的,坏的和判决 (The Good, The Bad, and The Verdict)

When you combine functions into a single device, there’s always a risk of creating a device that fails to do any of the things it was designed to do well. How does that play out in the case of the Waka Waka? Let’s break it down.

当您将功能组合到单个设备中时,总是存在创建设备无法完成其设计能很好完成的任何事情的风险。 在Waka Waka的情况下如何发挥作用? 让我们分解一下。

善良 (The Good)

  • One of the principal complaints we make about most battery packs is that they lack a good LED light; the Waka Waka offers serious illumination.

    我们对大多数电池组的主要抱怨之一是,它们缺少良好的LED灯。 Waka Waka提供严肃的照明。
  • Although we initially thought of the stand/water bottle hole concept was a bit gimmicky, we ended up rather impressed with how well it worked.

  • The stand also serves as a cover for all the ports on the device, a clever way to protect things when the device isn’t in use.

  • You buy one, and they donate one to a person in need.


坏人 (The Bad)

  • The internal battery pack is small. Yes, it makes for a very portable device that doesn’t weigh three pounds, but it also means you won’t be charging your iPad off the Waka Waka.

    内部电池组很小。 是的,这使它成为一款轻巧的设备,重量不超过三磅,但是这也意味着您无需在Waka Waka上为iPad充电。
  • Only one 1A port; lacks a second port or a fast-charge 2.1A port.

    仅一个1A端口; 缺少第二个端口或快速充电的2.1A端口。
  • Although the panel is efficient for its size, there are other small chargers on the market with with larger/more efficient charging panels.

  • At $70 retail, if the Waka Waka doesn’t fulfill a specific set of needs you have (e.g. solar power while off grid and a bright light) then you’re overpaying for an underpowered battery pack.

    零售价为70美元,如果Waka Waka不能满足您的特定需求(例如,停网时的太阳能和明亮的灯光),则您为低功率的电池组支付了过多的费用。

判决 (The Verdict)

If the farthest you ever get from a power outlet is a table in the middle of the room at your local Starbucks, the Waka Waka is probably not for you. If, however, you’re looking for a device that allows you to charge your devices away from the grid when you need it and provides hours and hours of light via a very efficient LED setup, is the niche charger you’re looking for. It’s well designed, it’s lightweight, and not only do you end up with a handy solar light/phone charger for your next hike, but somebody somewhere in the world ends up with one too.

如果您从电源插座获得的最远距离是当地星巴克房间中间的桌子,那么Waka Waka可能不适合您。 但是,如果您正在寻找一种设备,该设备可让您在需要时从电网充电,并通过非常高效的LED设置提供数小时的照明时间, 就是您的利基充电器寻找。 它设计精巧,重量轻,不仅为您的下一次远足提供了一个方便的太阳能灯/电话充电器,而且世界上某个地方的人也为您带来了方便。



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